// validate each param's type
* DISABLED (uses the wsdl order for params, which do not complaint to the order in the request
for($i=0; $i < count($p); $i++) {
// type not match
// if soap types do not match, we ok it if the mapped php types match
// this allows using plain php variables to work (ie. stuff like Decimal would fail otherwise)
// we only error if the types exist in our type maps, and they differ
if (strcasecmp($sig_t[$i],$p[$i])!=0 &&
(isset($this->_typemap[SOAP_XML_SCHEMA_VERSION][$sig_t[$i]]) &&
strcasecmp($this->_typemap[SOAP_XML_SCHEMA_VERSION][$sig_t[$i]],$this->_typemap[SOAP_XML_SCHEMA_VERSION][$p[$i]])!=0)) {
$param = $params[$i];
$this->_raiseSoapFault("soap request contained mismatching parameters of name $param->name had type [{$p[$i]}], which did not match signature's type: [{$sig_t[$i]}], matched? ".(strcasecmp($sig_t[$i],$p[$i])),'','','Client');
return false;
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