Hi, I'm usign NuSOAP but I think the question is general. I'm writing a client to consume a webservice provided by caBIO (it's a repository of web services dedicated to gene, proteine, mutation and similar stuff involved in cancer research) There are SOAP Lite Perl client, java client. The service is exposed as SOAP, WSDL available. My problem is that a method I'm calling require a Java hashtable, as one can see on: http://ncicb.nci.nih.gov/NCICB/content/ncicblfs/caBIO2-1-1_JavaDocs getGenes: public java.lang.String getGenes(java.util.Hashtable criteria) throws org.apache.soap.SOAPException Returns the string representation of the XML showing the requested Gene, as specified by the provided search criteria (a Hashtable) Parameters: criteria - Hashtable containing the criteria to search for Returns: the String containing the XML result of the search Throws: org.apache.soap.SOAPException I know that a java hashtable is what PHP call an indexed array, i.e. $query = array('key'=>'symbol', value => $symbol); but this throw an exception and related error, because of array serialization produce two strings, I think. error available at: http://www.bio.dist.unige.it/nusoap/cabio.php web service WSDL available at: http://www.bio.dist.unige.it/caBIO/web/wsdl/Gene.wsdl client source available at: http://www.bio.dist.unige.it/nusoap/cabio.phps In fact, the step I'm missing is, given a WSDL description of a web service, parse (in my mind :-) it and found what I've to do to call this. I'm trying with creation of a new soapvalue to pass during method invocation, but I'm blowing my mind due to the fact I've found not too much docs on this particular topics thanks in advance, Ivan -- tel. +39 010 3532789 fax. +39 010 3532948 _________________________________ www.bio.dist.unige.it/~pivan _________________________________ A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On your desk, you have a workstation... -- PHP Soap Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php