Found error handling problems with PEAR's SOAP_Server

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Hello There:
I would like to start out by saying that I am glad that this community
exists - and I am very grateful for everyone's contributions. I have just
spent the last day in heavy SOAP development with PEAR and discovered a
bug/wrinkle that causes major problems when dealing with error handling.
In short, the Server.php file's SOAP_ServerErrorHandler function does not
check the error_reporting level before it sets $soap_server_fault. This has
become very annoying because a simple E_NOTICE error causes the server to
return a soap fault!

My first thought was to use php's error_reporting() feature to ignore
E_NOTICE errors, only to realize that the library ignores this setting
completely when handling an error (for two reasons: 1. There is no code in
the function SOAP_ServerErrorHandler to check the error_reporting level; 2.
Even if such code existed, you would have to set error_reporting(E_<blah>)
in all your server methods, since your server methods are called by
SOAP_Server with the @ symbol, which sets error_reporting to nothing for the
scope of the method).
The PHP manual suggests the following when using custom error handlers:
"error_reporting() settings will have no effect and your error handler will
be called regardless - however you are still able to read the current value
of error_reporting and act appropriately. Of particular note is that this
value will be 0 if the statement that caused the error was prepended by the
@ error-control operator."
That means that as of right now, if you have a line of code executed that
looks like this:
$file = @file('/path/to/a/non/existant/file');
.. then your soap server will return a soap fault, regarless of what
error_reporting is set to! Even when the above errorsome "file" funciton
call is prefixed with the @ symbol! 
How do we solve these issues?
There are two changes that need to be made to the Server.php file. First,
removing the @ error-control operator on all the server method calling code
(they are not needed because a custom error handler was set using
set_error_handler, which catches errors anyway... so all these symbols
actually do is change the error_reporting level in the scope of the called
server method. Second is to update the SOAP_ServerErrorHandler callback
function to check the level of error_reporting and decide whether or not an
error should be logged to the global $soap_server_fault (which is later
check for and returned as a soap fault to the client if set).
In case you didn't realize yet, I'm referring to the Server.php which has
moved to the ZEND_ENGINE_1 branch of cvs. (v1.44.2.1 2003/12/20 from CVS). I
have a clean patched version of the file for the cvs maintainer(s) (Shane?).
Please let me know who I should send the patched file to -
Any comments welcome!

Thanks for listening,

PS Below is the result of cvs diff after my modifications for the Server.php
file in question:

RCS file: /repository/pear/SOAP/Server.php,v
retrieving revision
diff -r1.44.2.1 Server.php
<     $detail = "Errno: $errno\nFilename: $filename\nLineno: $linenum\n";
<     // XXX very strange behaviour with error handling if we =& here.
<     $soap_server_fault = new SOAP_Fault($errmsg, 'Server', 'PHP',
>     // only set the $soap_server_fault global if the the error_reporting
level says so
>     // added by Jon Day <>
>     if ((error_reporting() & $errno) == $errno) {
>         $detail = "Errno: $errno\nFilename: $filename\nLineno:
>         // XXX very strange behaviour with error handling if we =& here.
>         $soap_server_fault = new SOAP_Fault($errmsg, 'Server', 'PHP',
>     }
<                 $ret = @call_user_func_array(array(&$this->soapobject,
>                 $ret = call_user_func_array(array(&$this->soapobject,
<                 $ret = @call_user_func_array($methodname,$args);
>                 $ret = call_user_func_array($methodname,$args);
<                 $ret = @call_user_func(array(&$this->soapobject,
>                 $ret = call_user_func(array(&$this->soapobject,
<                 $ret = @call_user_func($methodname);
>                 $ret = call_user_func($methodname);

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