For anyone who cares this is how I got PEAR::SOAP (0.8c) working with a Delphi SOAP client. 1. edit mimePart.php (bug in mimePart.php) $this->_headers['Content-Type'] .= ';' . MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF . "\t" . 'boundary="' . $boundary . '"'; Change it to $this->_headers['Content-Type'] .= ';' . 'boundary=' . $boundary ; 2. edit Base.php change line 49 (bug in Base.php) from define('MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF',"\n"); to define('MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF',"\r\n"); 3. Change line 126 in Server.php to use Mime as the default instead of DIME (b/c Delphi doesn't support DIME) 4. Change line 190 in Value.php from encoding='base64', to encoding='binary', 5. When creating a new attachment make sure the type is application/binary and not application/octet-stream After all that we were able to successfully send an attachment to a SOAP client created in Delphi using standard Delphi 7 libraries. (and there was much rejoicing). Well, I guess... thanks to those who thought about responding, I guess I figured it all out... now if only Delphi supported attachments with complex types. Regards, Dave Dykshoorn Web Developer SpeedLine Solutions Inc. -- PHP Soap Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: