This is a mistake. PEAR::SOAP is indeed not part of PECL. PECL::SOAP is a different thing that is on standby atm. I'll update the notes (note to self, write it down !)
I don't know about php-soap.
Sören Fuhrmann wrote:
I've just read an article of the german PHP Magazine about Web Services with PHP. Beside nuSOAP and ezSOAP 3 Versions are mentioned:
PEAR::SOAP, PECL/soap and PHP-SOAP (sourceforge phpsoaptoolkit).
I believed PECL/soap and PHP-SOAP would be the same thing (in PECL/soap is called PHP-Soap)?
Furthermore I've read in the PEAR::SOAP description (, that it is "part of PECL". How is this possible, since it's written in PHP and not in C?
Can someone please help with clarification?
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