[SOAP] Authentication on header,

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Hi Folks!

  I'm trying to make a test web server that authenticate before execute any
method. I´m try to use one example made from Shane Caraveo
(http://talks.php.net/show/soap-phpcon-ny2003/64), but i
give an error like this:

-------------------- error ------------------------
soap_fault Object
    [error_message_prefix] =>
    [mode] => 1
    [level] => 1024
    [code] => SOAP-ENV:MustUnderstand
    [message] =>  I don't understand header authenticate.
    [userinfo] => Array
-------------------- error ------------------------

The source i have test is this:

-------------------- server code ------------------------

$soapclient =& new SOAP_Client("http://localhost/server.php";);

$aee = array("username"=>"foo","password"=>"bar");
$header = new SOAP_Header( "{urn:Header_Handler}authenticate", "Struct",
$aee, "1");

$options = array("namespace" => "urn:SOAP_Auth_Server", "trace" => 1);
$params = array("inputString"=>"this is a test");
$ret = $soapclient->call('echoString', $params ,$options);
echo "<pre>";
-------------------- server code ------------------------

-------------------- client code ------------------------
require_once 'SOAP/Server.php';

class Header_Handler {
    var $method_namespace = 'urn:Header_Handler';
    var $authenticated = FALSE;

    function authenticate($authinfo)
        if ($authinfo->username == 'foo' &&
            $authinfo->password == 'bar') {
            $this->authenticated = TRUE;
            return "Authentication OK";
        $faultcode = 'Client';
        $faultstring = 'Invalid Authentication';
        $faultactor = $this->method_namespace;
        $detail = NULL;
        return new SOAP_Fault($faultstring,

class SOAP_Auth_Server {
    function echoString($inputString)
  if (!$this->headers->authenticated) {
   return "Autenticated! ... $inputString";
  } else {
   return "You don´t have permission to execute any operation ... ";
$server =& new SOAP_Server;
$soapclass =& new SOAP_Auth_Server();
-------------------- client code ------------------------

Can anyone help me with this? i'm new with pear::soap ...

Thank's for All!!

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