Re: Re: mysql query

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Jim, I know this is a stupid question to be asking this far into PHP
Development, maybe was a bit lazy, or just got too used to Notepad++, which
editor for PHP are you using? The feature which you mentioned for a good
php editor, sounds exciting, offcourse i would be looking only at the free
ones :D

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 9:24 PM, Jim Giner <jim.giner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> On 8/22/2013 9:52 AM, Jim Giner wrote:
>> On 8/21/2013 7:48 PM, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:
>>> Dear List -
>>> I can't figure this out....
>>> mysql> describe Inventory;
>>> +-------------+-------------+-**-----+-----+---------+-------+
>>> | Field       | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
>>> +-------------+-------------+-**-----+-----+---------+-------+
>>> | UPC         | varchar(14) | YES  |     | NULL |       |
>>> | quant       | int(5)      | NO   |     | NULL |       |
>>> | manuf       | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL |       |
>>> | item        | varchar(50) | YES  |     | NULL |       |
>>> | orderpt     | tinyint(4)  | NO   |     | NULL |       |
>>> | ordrpt_flag | tinyint(3)  | YES  |     | NULL |       |
>>> | stock       | int(3)      | YES  |     | NULL |       |
>>> +-------------+-------------+-**-----+-----+---------+-------+
>>> Here are code snippets -
>>>                            $upc   = $_SESSION['UPC'];
>>>                            $qnt   = $_POST['quant'];
>>>                            $mnf   = $_POST['manuf'];
>>>                            $itm   = $_POST['item'];
>>>                            $odrpt = $_POST['oderpt'];
>>>                            $opf   = $_POST['ordrpt_flag'];
>>>                            $stk    = $_POST['stock'];
>>>                            $sql2 = "insert into Inventory (UPC, quant,
>>> manuf, item, orderpt, ordrpt_flag, stock)"
>>>                                  ."values ('$upc', $qnt,'$mnf','$itm',
>>> odrpt, 0, $stk)";
>>>                            $result2 = mysqli_query(cxn, $sql2);
>>>                            echo '$sql2<br />';
>>>                            print_r($sql2);
>>>                            echo "<br />$upc $qnt $mnf $itm $odrpt $opf
>>> $stk<kbr />";
>>>                            if (!$result2)
>>>                                  die('Could not enter data: ' .
>>> mysqli_error());
>>> The mysql query fails.  I cannot figure out why.  It works from the
>>> command line.
>>> TIA
>>> Ethan
>>>  Ethan - you are simply missing two dollar signs as pointed out.  Once
>> you correct them, if there are any more errors you should then be seeing
>> the message from mysqli_error.
>> And as for the advice to dump single quotes, I'd ignore it.  The use of
>> double and single quotes is a very handy feature and makes for very
>> readable code.  Escaping double quotes is such a royal pia and makes for
>> more trouble deciphering code later on.  The sample you provided for us
>> is some of the best and most understandable code you've ever showed us.
>>  Also - Ethan - if you used an editor that was designed for php you
> probably would have seen these missing $ signs since a good one would
> highlight php syntax and the lack of the $ would have produced a different
> color than you expected.
> --
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