I wanted to start off by saying thank you to the list for your warm support. I was working with jonez from irc.oftc.net #php and we were able to far enough into the issue for me to realize I'm an idiot. I am creating a new table like I wanted but should be creating new field due to a little paradox I create myself with the need for at least one field in the creation process. I should be creating a new field anyways. Here is the updated code but it will be changing a lot in a few moments. <?php var_dump($_FILES); //db connection require 'dbConnect.php'; //session file require_once('../auth.php'); function uploadList(){ $file = $_FILES["file"]; $memberID = $_SESSION["SESS_MEMBER_ID"]; if ($file["type"] == "text/plain") { if ($file["error"] > 0) { echo "Return Code: " . $file['error'] . "<br />"; } else { dbConnect(); mysql_select_db('mailList') or die(mysql_error()); $tmp_name = $file["tmp_name"]; //$presql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$memberID}_{$file}"; $presql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dumb_table"; $sql = <<<EOF LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '{$tmp_name}' INTO TABLE `'{$memberID}_{$file}'` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\\'' LINES TERMINATED BY "\\r\\n" IGNORE 1 LINES EOF; mysql_query($presql); mysql_query($sql); //var_dump($sql); echo '$sql'; if(mysql_error()) { echo(mysql_error()); } else { print('Import of campaign emails sucessfull into mysql table.'); } } } else { print('Invalid file type. Please make sure it is a text file.'); } } //var_dump($_FILES); uploadList(); ?>