database query advise

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Hello All,

I am fairly new to the PHP and MySQL world and I was wondering if you
could offer some advise or tutorials that may help me achieve my

My code is pasted on the far bottom.

I currently have a form page and results page.
The first thing I would like to do is combine the form page with the
results so that a new page isn't opened when the end user hits the
The second is how do I change my javascript form script so that the
second and third menu is hidden until the prior menu is selected.
The third is: How can I use PHP ternary instead of my current if else
on the form page?
The fourth is: How can I alter my results page so that the records can
me edited. For example once the query is submitted and the results are
displayed. I would like to edit any field in any record and submit the
changes back to the database. Is this possible??

Thank you in advance!


form page below:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="";>

require "../PHP_Scripts/config.php"; // Your Database details
<title>KCRF Dashboard</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml;
charset=utf-8" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/style.css" />
<script type='text/javascript' src='../js/jquery-1.2.3.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='../js/menu.js'></script>

<div id="boundary">
<h1>type something</h1>
<ul id="nav">
    <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">EVDO PCMD</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Voice PCMD </a>
            <li><a href="#">3.1 jQuery</a>
                    <li><a href="#">3.1.1 Download</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">3.1.2 Tutorial</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">3.2 Mootools</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">3.3 Prototype</a></li>
<div id="content">
<p id="footer">type something</a>, type something</a></p>

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
function reload(form)
var val=form.term.options[form.term.options.selectedIndex].value;
self.location='kpiForm.php?term=' + val ;
function reload2(form)
var val=form.term.options[form.term.options.selectedIndex].value;
var val2=form.term2.options[form.term2.options.selectedIndex].value;
self.location='kpiForm.php?term=' + val + '&term3=' + val2 ;

///////// Getting the data from Mysql table for first list box//////////
$market=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT market FROM sector_list ORDER BY
market DESC");

/////// for second drop down list we will check if market is selected
else we will display all the cell_sectors/////
$term=$_GET['term']; // This line is added to take care if your global
variable is off
	if(isset($term) and strlen($term) > 0)
	$cellSect=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT cell_sect FROM sector_list
where market like '%$term' order by cell_sect");
	$cellSect=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT cell_sect FROM sector_list
order by cell_sect"); }
////////// end of query for second subcategory drop down list box

$term3=$_GET['term']; // This line is added to take care if your
global variable is off
/////// for Third drop down list we will check if cell_sect is
selected else we will display all the dates/////
	if(isset($term3) and strlen($term3) > 0)
	$date=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT date FROM evdo WHERE market LIKE
'%$term' ORDER BY date DESC");
	$date=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT date FROM evdo ORDER BY date");
////////// end of query for third subcategory drop down list box

echo "<form method=post name=f1 action='PHP_Scripts/search.php'>";

//////////        Starting of first drop downlist /////////
	echo "<select name='term' onchange=\"reload(this.form)\">
		  <option value=''>Market</option>";
		while($menu1 = mysql_fetch_array($market))
		echo "<option selected value='$menu1[market]'>$menu1[market]</option>"."<BR>";
		echo "<option value='$menu1[market]'>$menu1[market]</option>";
    echo "</select>";

//////////        Starting of second drop downlist /////////
	echo "<select name='term2' onchange=\"reload2(this.form)\">
		  <option value=''>Cell_Sector</option>";
		while($menu2= mysql_fetch_array($cellSect))
		echo "<option selected
		echo  "<option value='$menu2[cell_sect]'>$menu2[cell_sect]</option>";
	echo "</select>";

//////////        Starting of third drop downlist /////////
	echo "<select name='term3'>
		  <option value=''>Timestamp</option>";
		while($menu3 = mysql_fetch_array($date))
		echo "<option selected value='$menu3[date]'>$menu3[data]</option>"."<BR>";
		echo  "<option value='$menu3[date]'>$menu3[date]</option>";
	echo "</select>";
//////////////////  This will end the third drop down list ///////////

echo "<input type=submit value='Submit'></form>";



results page below:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="";>

	require ("config.php"); // Your Database details

<title>PCMD KPI</title>
<style type="text/css" >
     margin-left: auto;
     margin-right: auto;
     border: 1px solid #98bf21;

  TH {
     border: 1.5px solid #000000;
     padding-bottom: 2px;
     padding-left: 7px:
     padding-right: 7px;
     padding-top: 2px;
     font-size: 1.0em;
     color: white;
     text-align: center;

  TD {
     border: 1px solid #98bf21;
     padding-bottom: 2px;
     padding-left: 7px:
     padding-right: 7px;
     padding-top: 2px;
     font-size: 1.0em;
     text-align: center;


  TR.alt TD {
  background-color: #eaf2d3;
  text-align: center;
   #navbar ul {
   		  margin: 0;
       	  padding: 5px;
        	  list-style-type: none;
        	  text-align: center;
       	  background-color: #000;

   #navbar ul li {
        	  display: inline;

   #navbar ul li a {
   	        text-decoration: none;
        	  padding: .2em 1em;
       	  color: #fff;
       	  background-color: #000;

   #navbar ul li a:hover {
              color: #000;
              background-color: #fff;

<fieldset style="border: 1px ridge limegreen; color: limegreen;">
<legend style="color: #000; font-family: verdana; font-size:
14pt;">PCMD KPI</legend>
<div id="navbar">
        <li><a href="/php/drop_down/index.php">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="/php/drop_down/dd3.php">PCMD KPI</a></li>
        <li><a href="/php/drop_down/banding.php">EVDO Distance
        <li><a href="#">LinkHere</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">LinkHere</a></li>


# your orignal that just pulls the market data
#$result = mysql_query("select * FROM evdo WHERE Market like '%$term'
LIMIT 20");

#this pulls the cell_sect assigned to market
$result = mysql_query("select * FROM evdo WHERE Market like '%$term'
and Cell_Sect = '$term2' ORDER BY  date desc LIMIT 96");

#This pulls the cell_sect on given date and market
#$result = mysql_query("select * FROM evdo WHERE Market like '%$term'
and Cell_Sect = '$term2' and Date = '$term3'");

# you need to modify the first page to autopopulate the cell_sect and
date option boxes
# so it only list the cells applicable to a market on a given day

$rowNum = 0;
echo "<table>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
   if($firstRow == 1) {
      echo "<tr>";

      foreach($row as $key => $value) {
          echo "<th>" . $key . "</th>";
      echo "</tr><tr>";
   else {
      if(  ($rowNum++ % 2) == 1) {
         echo "<tr class=\"alt\">";
      } else {
         echo "<tr>";
   foreach($row as $key => $value ) {
       echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>"  ;
   echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

echo "You Selected the following:<br>Market = $term <br>Cell_Secter =
$term2<br>Timestamp = $term3";




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