I am working on a word matching application. Specifically the user will match a word with itâs definition. I have made some progress since my last post for help (2 or 3 days ago). I need help knowing how to alternate between displaying the word and itâs explanation: === echo "<p>\r\n"; echo "<span class=\"bible_match_up_left\">\r\n"; echo "WORD\r\n"; echo "</span>\r\n"; echo "<span class=\"bible_match_up_right\">\r\n"; echo "EXPLANATION\r\n"; echo "</span>\r\n"; echo "</p>\r\n"; === I only know how to do one array at a time, using FOREACH, like this: === echo "<ul>\r\n"; foreach($match_words as $word) { echo "<li>" . $word . "</li>\r\n"; } echo "</ul>\r\n"; === How do I do both the word and explanation at once? The following is how I query the database for the words / explanations and create and shuffle the arrays: === $query = " SELECT `reference` , `word` , `explanation` FROM `Bible_dictionary` WHERE `live` =1 ORDER BY RAND( ) LIMIT 5 "; $words_match_up_result=mysql_query($query); $records_found=mysql_numrows($words_match_up_result); #create array from mySQL query $words = array(); $explanations = array(); $i=1; while ( $i <= $records_found ) { $reference = mysql_result($words_match_up_result,($i -1),"reference"); $words[$reference] = stripslashes( mysql_result($words_match_up_result,($i -1),"word") ); $explanations[$reference] = stripslashes( mysql_result($words_match_up_result,($i -1),"explanation") ); ++$i; } #shuffle from PHP web site function custom_shuffle($my_array = array()) { $copy = array(); while (count($my_array)) { // takes a rand array elements by its key $element = array_rand($my_array); // assign the array and its value to an another array $copy[$element] = $my_array[$element]; //delete the element from source array unset($my_array[$element]); } return $copy; } $match_words = custom_shuffle($words); $match_explanations = custom_shuffle($explanations); === $reference is not in sequential order. $reference is the auto_increment value of the `Bible_dictionary` table. Itâs significance is for scoring how many the user got right. Ron