Hello PHP Gurus, I need your help on an insert query. I wanted to know if there is way to insert an array of values into a DB. An eg would explain this better : If I have 2 tables in a DB, 1) users has 3 columns 2) hobbies = 5 columns I was thinking of having a single function which will perform the insert on any insert which happens on the entire website. Eg : This function can be called with 2 parameters, the first parameter the table name, and the second parameter is an array of values which will be inserted into the table. eg : Users has these columns [1]ID [2] Name [3]Location so the function call would be something like * insert_into_tbale(users,array[user_values])* ** Does this make sense ? Is this a good method to follow ? Thanks in advance ! Vinay Kannan.