Re: grabbing from multiple tables

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Thanks for your reply.
The idea was based off the WebAssist E-Commerce Database file they gave out a while ago. So, I did not set up the database file necessarily, just adopted and modified. This is how they had it set up. Not that I have to keep that structure necessarily, but I did design around it. This is my first complete back-end project. Please excuse my noobness. :)

Basically, I have a product that gets read from the product table and from that I want it to read the product options table to retrieve the options for that product. The options and option groups table are set up so that I can modify options that span across multiple products without going into each product. The values inside the product options table will be based on values from the options and option groups tables. So this is where my head is not grasping.
How to link the info.

I already have it all set up this way and would like to see it work.
Later down the road, I may streamline everything, but I am in a situation where I need to get something up, so reinventing the wheel is not what I want to do. I hope I am not doing that.

Thanks for your help.


On Apr 30, 2010, at 2:59 PM, David Murphy wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Karl DeSaulniers [mailto:karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 1:50 PM
To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re:  grabbing from multiple tables

No, please confuse me. I need to know this stuff.

@Peter thanks for that introduction to foreign keys. Since my
productoptions table is based off of items in products, optionGroups
and options, would I use foreign keys for this?

@DZvonko Thanks for trying to protect me, but I am a big boy. :) Do
you have an example of how this JOIN works? Since my productoptions
table is based off of items in products, optionGroups and options,
would I use JOIN for this? And how?

I am looking for the quickest and easiest obviously, but not against
learning the longer and harder.
I just really wanted to know how to use the foreign key in a real
If JOIN is a more viable solution, I'm all ears.

Any examples or tutorials someone can send me?



On Apr 30, 2010, at 6:41 AM, DZvonko Nikolov wrote:


don't confuse the guy. Just use JOIN clause and you will be fine.
Check for the right syntax and don't complicate more. He said he
is quite new, so discuss about foreign keys will only confuse him.

Use JOIN and pure SQL and you will be fine.


--- On Fri, 4/30/10, Peter Lind <peter.e.lind@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: Peter Lind <peter.e.lind@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:  grabbing from multiple tables
To: "Karl DeSaulniers" <karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, April 30, 2010, 12:31 PM

On 30 April 2010 12:26, Karl DeSaulniers <karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks Peter.
So what is the logic behind foreign keys? Why use them?

Constraints. When using, for example, the InnoDB engine in MySQL, you
can set foreign key fields on tables. These ensure that your record
will always be bound to a proper record in the connected table - so,
for instance, you won't find yourself in the situation that you have
deleted a record from table1 but table2 still references the table1
record. Also, they're very useful for tying models together
automatically, as you can deduce relationships between models by
foreign keys, for instance (this is simplified but covers a lot of


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Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

Karl I am finding it hard to grasp why you are doing things this way why
not  have

A products table with enums for size/color? Then on the edit page, you can read the product tables schema to get the enum options and explode
them in PHP...


$tData=$db->QuerryToArray("desc products");
$tSizes = explode(",",$tData['Sizes']);
$tColors = explode(",",$tData['Colors']);

Then in the  post system...

$ProductSettings=$db-QueryToArray("select * from products where

Foreach ($NewProductSettings as $Setting=>$Value)
  If($ProdcutSettings[$Setting] !== $Value)
($db->UpdateFromArray("products",$tUpdates,"id='{$this- >CurrentProductID}'")

Since the table would be using an ENUM or SET the column size is very
small  but also very granular.

I think breaking the tables apart is actually more complicated than its
worth for your needs.

Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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