Hello, i am writing a small login script for a website. The username and passwort are stored in a database in two separate columns. I have it like this: while($dbbenutzer = mysql_fetch_row($sqlbenutzername)) while($dbpasswort = mysql_fetch_row($sqlpasswort)){ echo $dbbenutzer[$i]; echo $dbpasswort[$j]; if($benutzername == $dbbenutzer and $pass == $dbpasswort){ echo '<p>Sie haben sich erfolgreich angemeldet</p>'; echo '<a href="willkommen.html">Willkommen</a>'; } } } Sice the values are entries in rows in two columns, i use mysql_fetch_row to get the entries. Then i want to compare the returned values of the sql statement with the values provided by the user. My problem now is only get the first value pair of username and passwort, not the second. For instance the first value pair is moritz 123456 which i get returned but i dont get returned the second value pair thomas thorr. thank you yours sincerly Alexander Schunk -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php