Thanks Chaitanya.
I've tried both Sendmail and SMTP.
I'll let you know how this works out.
On 4/9/2010 10:57 AM, Chaitanya Yanamadala wrote:
these are the entire core values of mine
try making a replica of the required..
i am able to send for 30000 mails. are u using an smtp sever to send
allow_call_time_pass_reference On On
allow_url_fopen On On
allow_url_include On On
always_populate_raw_post_data Off Off
arg_separator.input & &
arg_separator.output & &
asp_tags Off Off
auto_append_file /no value/ /no value/
auto_globals_jit On On
auto_prepend_file /no value/ /no value/
browscap C:\xampp\php\extras\browscap.ini
default_charset /no value/ /no value/
default_mimetype text/html text/html
define_syslog_variables Off Off
disable_classes /no value/ /no value/
disable_functions /no value/ /no value/
display_errors On On
display_startup_errors On On
doc_root /no value/ /no value/
docref_ext /no value/ /no value/
docref_root /no value/ /no value/
enable_dl On On
error_append_string /no value/ /no value/
error_log /no value/ /no value/
error_prepend_string /no value/ /no value/
error_reporting 22519 22519
exit_on_timeout Off Off
expose_php On On
extension_dir C:\xampp\php\ext C:\xampp\php\ext
file_uploads On On <> #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
highlight.comment #FF8000 #FF8000
highlight.default #0000BB #0000BB
highlight.html #000000 #000000
highlight.keyword #007700 #007700
highlight.string #DD0000 #DD0000
html_errors On On
ignore_repeated_errors Off Off
ignore_repeated_source Off Off
ignore_user_abort Off Off
implicit_flush Off Off
include_path .;C:\xampp\php\PEAR .;C:\xampp\php\PEAR
log_errors Off Off
log_errors_max_len 1024 1024
magic_quotes_gpc On On
magic_quotes_runtime Off Off
magic_quotes_sybase Off Off
mail.add_x_header Off Off
mail.force_extra_parameters /no value/ /no value/
mail.log /no value/ /no value/
max_execution_time 6000 6000
max_input_nesting_level 64 64
max_input_time 600 600
memory_limit 128M 128M
open_basedir /no value/ /no value/
output_buffering /no value/ /no value/
output_handler /no value/ /no value/
post_max_size 128M 128M
precision 14 14
realpath_cache_size 16K 16K
realpath_cache_ttl 120 120
register_argc_argv On On
register_globals Off Off
register_long_arrays Off Off
report_memleaks On On
report_zend_debug On On
request_order /no value/ /no value/
safe_mode Off Off
safe_mode_exec_dir /no value/ /no value/
safe_mode_gid Off Off
safe_mode_include_dir /no value/ /no value/
sendmail_from /no value/ /no value/
sendmail_path /no value/ /no value/
serialize_precision 100 100
short_open_tag On On
smtp_port 25 25
sql.safe_mode Off Off
track_errors Off Off
unserialize_callback_func /no value/ /no value/
upload_max_filesize 128M 128M
upload_tmp_dir C:\xampp\tmp C:\xampp\tmp
user_dir /no value/ /no value/
user_ini.cache_ttl 300 300
user_ini.filename .user.ini .user.ini
variables_order GPCS GPCS
xmlrpc_error_number 0 0
xmlrpc_errors Off Off
y2k_compliance On On
zend.enable_gc On On
On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 8:20 PM, Stephen Sunderlin
<stephen.sunderlin@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:stephen.sunderlin@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
Set that to 6oo. Stopped after 125 loops in under a minute.
Stephen Sunderlin
2162 Broadway, 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10024
(212) 799-3753
-----Original Message-----
From: Chaitanya Yanamadala <dr.virus.india@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2010 19:26:22
To: Stephen Sunderlin<stephen.sunderlin@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: <php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: Re: mysql/php time out issue
have u checked max_execution_time
On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Stephen Sunderlin <
<mailto:stephen.sunderlin@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> I'm running php 5.1.6 with mysql 5.0.45 on CentOS 5.3 box
trying to loop
> through a while statement to send about 3000 email using
phpmailer. It's
> worked well in the past but after an upgrade it seems to be
timing out now
> after 200-300 emails over 1 minute or two. I've added
> within the while loop to reset the time out. I've added a sleep(1)
> statement to throttle the program (I've tried sending with and
without these
> additions). I've altered several config files to see if it
would send to
> completion to no avail:
> mysql.connect_timeout = -1
> memory_limit = 100M
> max_input_time = 60
> max_input_time = 600
> max_input_time = 0
> and the following mysql config:
> key_buffer = 256M
> max_allowed_packet = 50M
> table_cache = 1024
> sort_buffer_size = 1M
> read_buffer_size = 1M
> read_rnd_buffer_size = 4M
> myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
> thread_cache_size = 64
> tmp_table_size = 40M
> join_buffer_size = 1M
> query_cache_limit = 12M
> query_cache_size= 32M
> query_cache_type = 1
> max_connections = 60
> thread_stack = 128K
> thread_concurrency = 4
> Any where else I should be looking. Thanks!
> --
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