I have tried adding the name to the pagination url which gave me
Once again no further results were returned. The pagination urls were
in place but empty, no pages existed for them.
coding sessions in this context is beyond me.
On 23 Jan 2010, at 19:46, Bastien Koert wrote:
The easiest thing to do is either
A) store the author name in a session for the duration of the searches
B) add the name to the pagination url so that its passed along withe
the page number
On 1/23/10, Joe Keenan <heresiarch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am using php and mysql.
The problem which I am hoping someone can help me with concerns
pagination of the result set of a search of a single table.
I got the pagination script I am using from a Sitepoint tutorial and
it works just as it should for this query
"SELECT article_id, category_name, author_name, title,
article_caption, date_format(magazine_date, '%M, %Y') as newdate FROM
articles where article_id > 0 ORDER BY magazine_date DESC LIMIT
$offset, $rowsperpage"
The result set is return over many pages with no problem at all.
When it comes to this next query however it delivers the first page
results and sets up the linked pages but those are empty.
"SELECT article_id, author_name, category_name, title,
article_caption, date_format(magazine_date, '%M, %Y') as newdate FROM
articles WHERE author_name = '$author_name' ORDER BY magazine_date
LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage"
I assume the problem must have to do with '$author_name' which is
passed to the search script as '$author_name =
from a php form.
Is there something I should be doing to ensure that the result set
from the query persists though the change in pagination from the
page of results to the second page.
In both cases the search scripts are includes in other php pages.
I think I need to understand how the result set is carried through or
reacquired in the pagination process.
Sorry if this is phrased very clumsily.
Thank you,
Joe Keenan
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