Hello, I have a question currently i'm programming a function to remove duplicates from an array of sentences. The computer must classify sentences with exactly the same words in it, but with a different sequence as a duplicate. The array that i use as a feed is as following: $sentences[] = "this is a example sentence"; $sentences[] = "a this is example sentence"; $sentences[] = "example this is a sentence"; $sentences[] = "this is a example sentence for a function"; I want the computer to keep only two records of the sentence array in this case (0|1|2) and 3 I made the script as following: function($sentences) { foreach($sentences as $sentence) { $words = explode(" ",$sentence); $sentenceArray[] = $words; } foreach(sentenceArray as $sentence) { // Here i want the same words are in other sentences } } My question is how could i check the $sentence array if there are records in it with exactly the same words as my feed?