Hi Chris, Thanks for the response. However I have coded the Email code with SMTP authentication. But the problem is my mail is going to the SPAM not in the inbox. I remember someone has said that if the code is sending the email and if its going under SPAM folder then the code is correct but I have to work on client filter. I don't know how? Can you or anyone help me in this. Here is the code: <?PHP /* Setup your Subject and Message Body */ $subject='Testing PHP Email'; $body='Hi the is nagendra prasd.'; /* Specify your SMTP Server, Port and Valid From Address */ ini_set("SMTP","mail.localroot.200u.com"); ini_set("smtp_port","465"); ini_set("sendmail_from","nagendra802000@xxxxxxxxx"); /* Additional Headers */ $headers = "Cc:Real CC Name <nagendra802000@xxxxxxxxx>\r\n"; /* Try to send message and respond if it sends or fails. */ if(mail ('ToPersonsName <nagendra802000@xxxxxxxxx>', $subject, $body, $headers )){ echo "<h2>Your Message was sent!</h2>"; } else{ echo "<font color='red'><h2>Your Message Was Not Sent!</h2></font>"; } exit; ?>