Hello everyone? First, I thank you all for the help on the past week. I could do the finder... thank you very much. Now... I must print images from the product. But the data about the product is in a table and the pictures are in other table. The picture table has 12 columns, the first two are ID and CODE, the rest of them are picture1, picture2, picture3... picture10. Can be not always the product has all ten pictures, can be three, one, etc. I dont know how to use WHILE to print pictures without print ID and CODE columns. This my code: <? $ID = $_GET['id_PROD']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM picture WHERE id = '$ID'"; $result =mysql_query($sql,$conn); while($row_FOTOS=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "<img src='products/$row [3]' border='0' height='384' />"; } ?> Thanks + _ // Emiliano Boragina _ // Diseño & Comunicación ////////////////// + _ // emiliano.boragina@xxxxxxxxx / // 15 40 58 60 02 /////////////////////////// + _