Re: mysqli error

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> Whenever I run the following code, I get the error: "Commands out of sync;
> you can't run this command now" as I try to execute my prepared Update
> statement.
> <?php
> $fpiDataAddr = fopen('outputAddr.txt','r') or die("can not open In File ");
> //Connect to mySQL server
> $mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'user', 'pswd', 'db');
> if ($mysqli->connect_error) { die('Could not connect:
> '.$mysqli->connect_error); }
> else{ echo "Connected successfully\n"; }
> $seqno = 0;
> $k = 'Kev';
> $sth1 = $mysqli->prepare($sql1);
> $sql2 = 'UPDATE db.kb_addr SET AM_CITY = ? WHERE UNIQUE_NUM = ?';
> $sth2 = $mysqli->prepare($sql2);
> while($inrec = fgetcsv($fpiDataAddr,0,',','"')){
>     if($seqno == 0){
>         $x= count($inrec);
>         $arrFields = array();
>         for ($y = 0; $y < $x; $y++) {
>             $arrFields[$inrec[$y]] = $y; //creates associative array that
> associates fields with the index in $inrec
>     }
>         echo "Array of Field Names From Header Record in Input data is \n";
>         print_r($arrFields);
>         $seqno++;
>         continue;    }
>     $key = 0+$inrec[$arrFields['Unique #']];
>     //Select Statement
>     $sth1->bind_param('i',$key);
>     $sth1->execute();
>     $sth1->bind_result($un,$ac);
>     $sth1->fetch();
>     //Update Statement
>     $sth2->bind_param('si',$k,$key);
>     echo "after bind:     ".$sth2->error."\nThe object error is:
> $mysqli->error\n";
>     $sth2->execute();
>     echo "after execute:  ".$sth2->error."\nThe object error is:
> $mysqli->error\n";
>     if($seqno > 1000) break;
>     $seqno++;
> }
> fclose($fpiDataAddr) or die("can not close file");
> //disconnect
> $sth1->close();
> $sth2->close();
> $mysqli->close();
> ?>
> However, if I close $sth1 (the select statement) before executing $sth2 (the
> update statement), it works, but since I just closed $sth1, I have to
> prepare it again. This is pretty inefficient considering the large data set
> that I'm working with and the fact that I have to prepare and close my
> select statement every single time I loop through. Is there any way that I
> can run these statements error-free without having to close the select
> statement ($sth1) every single time I want to execute my update statement
> ($sth2)?

You do not initialise your statement object.  I would guess this is a
large part of the problem, although I'm not that familiar with prepared
statements in MySQLi.

 See the documentation for mysqli::stmt_init[1]  and the example for
mysqli_stmt::prepare[2] in the php documentation.


> Thanks,
>   Kevin

Niel Archer
niel.archer (at)

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