Easy way to do it is if you use a MySQL database to store it. Do $username = (name of user); $admin = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM usertable WHERE user='$username'" ); if( $admin->admin ) { print "<a href='/adminarea'>ADMIN</a>" } $username --> variable to hold the name of the user. $admin --> query to obtain the database row for that user if() --> checks to see if the "admin status" column of the database is set to true, if so it prints admin link. On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Joey Hendricks <j.hendricksjr@xxxxxxxxxxx>wrote: > Hello, > I am very new at PHP so I will try to explain my question the best I can. I > was wondering if there was a way to have a link show only to the owner of > the site? Like having a "Admin" link for editing posts, but hidden to all > users except the owner. Thank you very much for your time!!