Re: Query stopping after 2 records?

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Hawx wrote:
On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 07:19:23 -0700, "Miller, Terion"
<tmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I need help/advice figuring out why my query dies after 2 records.  Here
the query:

         // Build your INSERT statement here
 $query = "INSERT into `warrants` (wid, name, age, warrant, bond,
crime) VALUES (";
    $query .= " '$wid', '$name', '$age', '$warrant',
'$bond', '$wnumber', '$crime' )";
        $wid = mysql_insert_id();

// run query
mysql_query($query) or die ("GRRRRRRR");

  echo $query;

It inserts two records and dies half way thru the 3rd?
Thanks in advance for clues to fix this.
Make sure any apostrophes in the variable strings are escaped correctly.
Check the addslashes() function.
No - use the mysql_real_escape_string function. Addslashes is the wrong 
thing to use here.
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