I am trying to get an option value from a database. I'm using the
following code snippet. This is a postgres 8.3.6 database. I am able
to use echo to get a list from the database. The code appears to
work, but later when I try to echo the id from the selected record, I
get no result. What I'm trying to do, is select the appropriate row
from the database using the options menu construct.
<form method="POST">
echo "<p> Choose your prospect:<br /><select name='GetName'
size='". $rows ."'>";
while (list($peopleId, $fName, $mName, $lName,
$contactItem) = pg_fetch_row($SciName))
echo "<option value='".$peopleId."'> ". $fName . "
" . $mName . " " .$lName . " " . " ---". " " .
$contactItem . "</option>";
echo "</select>";
<br />
<br />
<input type="submit" name="get_name" value="Submit" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" /></p>
if ($get_name == "Submit") { echo "People Id = " . $peopleId. "<br /
>"; }
Thank you for your time,
Carol Walter
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