Hello All: I'm trying to see how Web Edition databases are being used in your company for PHP-driven web-apps. Our strategy team thought that free and community editions would be dominant, but we interviewed Zend Framework developers using Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and it looks like--surprise--that each vendors' market share is about the same as in the broad commercial market. We think this means that you--the PHP developer community--aren't actually using the lightweight Web/Express Edition for your corporate web-app deployment, and instead are building out on the licenses for databases your company is already running. Is the Express/Community/Web Edition important for you at work? Is it a critical sandboxing step for you? Do you run it live for internal applications? Answering these 10 multiple choice questions--should take about 90 seconds--will help us understand what databases you need in your professional life, and how to deliver them to you. Happy cooking, and thanks! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=Jro0rkoIGJKuQNpfWZV_2bBQ_3d_3d -- Stan Stadelman (925) 336-6473 stan@xxxxxxxxxxxx