global not solving my problem

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I have resolved all problems in the PHP program below except one.

Yes I know the program is in a mess but I will clean it up.

This is a learning exercise!

Basically there is one function per page.

When I make a selection on a page, a function is executed.

I need to pass the value of $rowInsert from one page to another.

$rowInsert is altered when I enter the program (at the top).

To verify the program works (outside this problem), I set the value = 525.

Global does not persist the value between pages(functions).

I can't use _POST because the value of $rowInsert is not associated with an entry slot(edit control).

I could make an entry slot(edit control) just for this purpose but that is not good!

 drop sequence log_id;                         
 create sequence log_id                        
 increment by 1                                
 start with 1;                                 

drop table log_book_id;

create table log_book_id ( log_id number primary key, fdate date, actype varchar2(16), acid varchar(16), nlandings number, nhoursnumber);

insert into log_book_id values (logid.nextval, TO_DATE('08/12/1973','MM/dd/YYYY'),'C150','N5787G',1,1.8);

insert into log_book_id values (logid.nextval, TO_DATE('08/17/1973','MM/dd/YYYY'),'C150','N5787G',3,1.5);

insert into log_book_id values (logid.nextval, TO_DATE('08/26/1973','MM/dd/YYYY'),'C150','N5787G',10,1.8);

insert into log_book_id values (logid.nextval, TO_DATE('09/01/1973','MM/dd/YYYY'),'C150','N5293S',9,1.7);
$rowInsert = 525;          // temporary                                                                              
$db = "(DESCRIPTION =                                                                                    
   (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))                                           
   (CONNECT_DATA =                                                                                       
     (SERVER = DEDICATED)                                                                                
     (SID = LMKIIIGDNSID)                                                                                
if ($conn=oci_connect('landon', 'rumprocella',$db))                                                      
        echo "Successfully connected to Oracle.\n";                                                      
 $err = OCIError();                                                                                      
 echo "Oracle Connect Error " . $err['message'];                                                         

//construct a global variable for the form profile
$fields = array("fdate", "actype", "acid", "nlandings", "nhours");

// If the submit button has been pressed
if (isset($_POST['select'])){           
} elseif(isset($_POST['insert'])){      
} elseif (isset($_POST['new'])){        
} elseif (isset($_POST['update'])){     
} else {                                
    //default action                    

//...........................................................................function displayDeleteForm()

function displayDeleteForm(){
    //get $fields into the function namespace
    global $fields;                          
        global $conn;                        
/* Create and execute query. */              
// Loop through each row, outputting the actype and name
     echo <<<HTML                                       
    Pilots Logbook entries stored in Oracle Relational Database
under Redhat Fedora 8 Linux                                    
    <form action="{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" method="post">       
    <table width="50%" align="center" border="1">              

    //get log_book_id table information
    $user = "select * from log_book_id";
    $result = oci_parse($conn, $user);  
        $r = oci_execute($result);      

    //display log_book_id information

    $count = 0;
    while ($newArray = oci_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if ($count == 0)        print_r($newArray);
    $count = 1;                                    
        foreach ($fields as $field){               
$fieldx = strtoupper($field);                      
            ${$field} = $newArray[$fieldx];        
                $count = $count +1;                
//              print($field);                     
//              print_r($newArray[$field]);        
        $rowID = $newArray['LOG_ID'];              

        //note that we do not rely on the checkbox value as not all browsers submit it
        //instead we rely on the name of the checkbox.                                
        echo <<<HTML                                                                  
            <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox[$rowID]" value="$rowID">Check to delete record


    }    // while
    echo <<<HTML 
        <td colspan="7">
            <input type="submit" name="delete" value="delete checked items"/>&nbsp;
            <input type="submit" name="update" value="update checked items"/>&nbsp;
            <input type="submit" name="new" value="New Log Entry" />&nbsp;         
            <input type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset Form" />                 
}    //close function                                                              

// ................................................................. function deleteRecords()

function deleteRecords()

   (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
   (CONNECT_DATA =                                            
     (SERVER = DEDICATED)                                     
     (SID = LMKIIIGDNSID)                                     

// Loop through each log_book_id with an enabled checkbox
    if (!isset($_POST['checkbox'])){                     
        return true;                                     
    foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $key=>$val){           
        $toDelete[] = $key;                              
    //expand the array for an IN query                   
    $where = implode(',', $toDelete);                    
if ($conn=oci_connect('landon', 'rumprocella',$db))      
 echo "Successfully connected to Oracle D.\n";           
 $err = OCIError();                                      
 echo "Oracle Connect Error " . $err['message'];         

    $query = "DELETE FROM log_book_id WHERE log_id IN ($where)";
    $result = oci_parse($conn, $query);                         
        $r = oci_execute($result);                              
// Commit transaction                                           
        $committed = oci_commit($conn);                         
// Test whether commit was successful. If error occurred, return error message
if (!$committed) {                                                            
    $error = oci_error($conn);                                                
    echo 'Commit failed. Oracle reports: ' . $error['message'];               
    // Should have one affected row                                           
    if ((oci_num_rows($result)== 0) ) {                                       
        echo "<p>There was a problem deleting some of the selected items.</p><p>".oci_error().'</p>';
//        exit();                                                                                    
    } else {                                                                                         
        echo "<p>The selected items were successfully deleted.</p>";                                 
    //direct the user back to the delete form                                                        
} //end function                                                                                     

//...........................................................................function insertRecord()

function insertRecord()
global $rowInsert;     
$db = "(DESCRIPTION =  
   (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
   (CONNECT_DATA =                                            
     (SERVER = DEDICATED)                                     
     (SID = LMKIIIGDNSID)                                     
if ($conn=oci_connect('landon', 'rumprocella',$db))           
 echo "Successfully connected to Oracle.\n";                  
 $err = OCIError();                                           
 echo "Oracle Connect Error " . $err['message'];              
    // Retrieve the posted log book information.              
    global $fields;                                           
    //add some very crude validation                          
    foreach ($fields as $field){                              
        if (empty($_POST[$field])){                           
            $messages[] = "You must complete the field $field \r\n";
        } else {                                                    
            $dFields[$field] = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[$field]));
    if (count($messages)>0) {                                                 
        displayEntryForm($messages, $dFields);                                
    //end validation                                                          
    //get variables into the namespace                                        
    // Insert the log book information into the log book table                
                $query = "UPDATE log_book_id set fdate = '$fdate', actype='$actype', acid='$acid', nlandings='$nlandings', nhours='$nhours'  where log_id='$rowInsert'";
                $query = "INSERT INTO log_book_id (log_id , fdate, actype, acid, nlandings, nhours) values (logid.nextval,'$fdate','$actype','$acid','$nlandings','$nhours')";

        $rowInsert = 0;
// echo ($query);      
    $result = oci_parse($conn, $query);
        $r = oci_execute($result);     
// Display an appropriate message      
    if ($r) {                          
        echo "<p>Product successfully inserted!</p>";
    }else {                                          
        echo "<p>There was a problem inserting the log book!</p>";
    $error = oci_error($conn);                                    
    echo 'Insert failed. Oracle reports: ' . $error['message'];   

    //direct the user back to the entry form
// Commit transaction                       
        $committed = oci_commit($conn);     
// Test whether commit was successful. If error occurred, return error message
if (!$committed) {                                                            
    $error = oci_error($conn);                                                
    echo 'Commit failed. Oracle reports: ' . $error['message'];               
    // Should have one affected row                                           
    if ((oci_num_rows($result)== 0) ) {                                       
        echo "<p>There was a problem inserting some of the selected items.</p><p>".oci_error().'</p>';
//        exit();                                                                                     
    } else {                                                                                          
        echo "<p>The selected items were successfully inserted.</p>";                                 

//...........................................................................function showRecord()

function showRecord() {

    global $fields;
   global $dFields; 
        global $rowInsert;
// Loop through each log_book_id with an enabled checkbox
    if (!isset($_POST['checkbox'])){                     
        return true;                                     
    foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $key=>$val){           
        $toDelete[] = $key;                              

   (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
   (CONNECT_DATA =                                            
     (SERVER = DEDICATED)                                     
     (SID = LMKIIIGDNSID)                                     
if ($conn=oci_connect('landon', 'rumprocella',$db))           
        echo "Successfully connected to Oracle.\n";           
 $err = OCIError();                                           
 echo "Oracle Connect Error " . $err['message'];              

// errors
    //get log_book_id table information
    $user = "select * from log_book_id where log_id = $toDelete[0]";
    $result = oci_parse($conn, $user);                              
        $r = oci_execute($result);                                  

    //display log_book_id information

    $count = 0;
    $newArray = oci_fetch_assoc($result);
        if ($count == 0)        print_r($newArray);
    $count = 1;                                    
        foreach ($fields as $field){               
                $fieldx = strtoupper($field);      
                ${$field} = $newArray[$fieldx];    
                $dFields[$field] = ${$field};      
        $rowID = $newArray['LOG_ID'];              
        $rowInsert = $rowID;                       
print ($rowInsert);                                
        //note that we do not rely on the checkbox value as not all browsers submit it
        //instead we rely on the name of the checkbox.                                

    //  insert the row information in the entry form
    global $fields;                                 
    //end validation                                

//...........................................................................function displayEntryForm()
function displayEntryForm($errorMessages=null, $dFields=null){                                          
    if (!empty($errorMessages)){                                                                        
        echo "<ul><li>".explode('</li><li>', $errorMessages) . "</li></ul>";                            
    global $dFields;                                                                                    
    //sort out field values
    global $fields;
    foreach ($fields as $field){
        if (isset($dFields[$field])){
            ${$field} = $dFields[$field];
        } else {
            ${$field} = '';

    echo <<<HTML
<form action="{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" method="post">
Flight Date:<br />
<input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40" name="fdate"
value="$fdate" />
Aircraft Type:<br />
<input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40" name="actype"
value="$actype" />
Aircraft ID:<br />
<input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40" name="acid"
value="$acid" />
Number Landings:<br />
<input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40" name="nlandings"
value="$nlandings" />
Number Hours:<br />
<input type="text" size="20" maxlength="40" name="nhours"
value="$nhours" />
<button type="submit" name = "insert" value="Insert Row!"
style="color:maroon font:18pt Courier; font-weight:bold ">Insert Row
<button type="submit" name = "select" value="Show All!"
style="color:red font:18pt Courier; font-weight:bold ">Show All
<button type="submit" name = "delete" value="Delete Row!"
style="color:red font:18pt Courier; font-weight:bold ">Delete Row!
<button type="submit" name = "update" value="Update Row!"
style="color:red font:18pt Courier; font-weight:bold ">Update Row!
} //end display function


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