I am writing a blog application. Table blog has the blog entries Table blog_owners is the user profiles Table blog_responses is responses to the blog entries I am writing the module where the user approves or deletes user comments when the blog entry is in 'moderated' mode. I am trying to find out if I am retrieve 2 user profiles from blog_owners with just one query --- the person who posted the blog entry and the person who responded to it. "INNER JOIN `blog_owners` on blog_owners.reference = blog_responses.comments_blog_owners_reference" makes the query not work, because I have already INNER JOIN blog_owners . But this time I am trying to retrieve the blog comment creators profile. The blog_responses table has a column comments_blog_owners_reference which is the reference (auto_increment) value in the blog_owners table. How can I do this in just 1 query / do I need to query the database a second time? SELECT * FROM ( ( `blog` INNER JOIN `blog_owners` on blog.blog_owners_reference = blog_owners.reference ) INNER JOIN `blog_responses` on blog_responses.blog_reference = blog.reference ) INNER JOIN `blog_owners` on blog_owners.reference = blog_responses.comments_blog_owners_reference WHERE `blog`.`blog_owners_reference` =$user_reference AND `blog_responses`.`approved_for_display` =0 ORDER BY `blog_responses`.`date` ASC, `blog_responses`.`blog_reference` ASC LIMIT 1 -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php