Well, yes, it is expected behavior. I think you're confusing the abs() with
the round() function (see Evert's answer earlier).
abs(-1.05) = 1.05
round(-1.05) = -1
abs(1.35) = 1.35
round(1.35) = 1
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Martin" <sublimino@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 7:55 AM
Subject: mathematical discrepancies
Can anybody shed any light on this behaviour please?
PHP Version 5.2.5 on XP
$a = 1754.00 ;
$b = 1754.03 ;
$diff = abs($b) - abs($a);
echo "$diff<br/>"; //output: 0.03
$a = 1754.00 ;
$b = 1754.09 ;
$diff = abs($b) - abs($a);
echo "$diff<br/>"; //output :0.0899999999999
$a = 1754.01 ;
$b = 1754.02 ;
$diff = abs($b) - abs($a);
echo $diff; //output: 0.00999999999999
Is this expected behaviour? Can anybody reproduce this?
Many thanks,
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