Hi Bill,
Please keep the replies on the list so others can provide their input
and also learn.
2) You do need quotes around your data, plus you should use
mysql_real_escape_string to stop sql injection attacks:
Again, I'm using mysql_real_escape_string() in my code, just trying to
focus on the NULL question and not complicate the code I posted.
Fair enough :)
// set a default of NULL
$suffix = "NULL";
if (!empty($_POST['suffix'])) {
// note - you need to add the quotes around the data here
$suffix = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['suffix']) . "'";
Is this materially different than: $suffix = empty($suffix) ? NULL :
having already sanitized $suffix?
It may end up different in your final query.
Notice the quotes around $suffix where mysql_real_escape_string is used.
You cannot have quotes around the "NULL" keyword otherwise the database
(mysql, postgres, oracle, mssql will all work the same in this regard)
treats that as a text value.
NULL !== "NULL".
If you have a query like:
update table set field='NULL' where id='X';
Then field will have a value of 'NULL' - which is a text string (a value
the db knows about).
If you have a query like:
update table set field=NULL where id='X';
Then field will have a NULL value which means "unknown".
You can test that out with these queries:
// this will find "unknown" values for "field".
select id, field from table where field is null;
// this will find values for field where it contains the string 'NULL'.
select id, field from table where field='NULL';
or even better:
select id, field, isnull(field) from table;
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