Just as a aside to the list, by replying with "reply all" I was sending a reply to the original sender twice, individually and via the list with Cc so apologies to those concerned. If you want to send a reply to the sender and the list as well, then I suggest just forwarding to the list. I found I was getting the same message twice and so I am guessing were/are others, and since it is helpful to clue the list on any little nuances this might alleviate double hits, for anyone concerned.
--- Begin Message ---
Not sure if this is relevant anymore, but...
> i.e. "1223123" into ['1','2,','2','3','1,'2','3'] ?
$num = "1223123";
$nums = array_filter(preg_split('//', $nums));
Or you can use this function.
It's probably better since the array_filter will probably get rid of any 0's in the string.
function string_to_array($str) {
$arr = preg_split('//', $str);
array_shift($arr); // removing leading null from split
array_pop($arr); // remove training null from split
return $arr;
Or, if you just want the numbers from your student id (and you wanted only numbers):
$num = "A123456789";
$nums = string_to_array(preg_replace("/[^0-9]+/", "", $nums));
- Jon L.
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Richard Dunne <
richarddunne1971@xxxxx> wrote:
Using this extract from http://ie.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.foreach.php
09-Mar-2008 06:40
Even if an array has only one value, it is still an array and foreach will run it.
$arr[] = "I'm an array.";
foreach($arr as $val)
echo $val;
The above code outputs:
I'm an array.
So if I use:
$query = "Select answer from answers where studentID='A123456789'";
$result = mysql_query($query,$connection) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
foreach($row as $answer)
echo $answer . "\n";
I thought I would be able to print out each array element, but I am not getting any output. Has anyone got a better idea?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Evert Lammerts <evert.lammerts@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Richard Dunne <richarddunne1971@xxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 18:22:53 +0100
Subject: Re: numeric string to single digit array
> Tried that as well and got the same result.
> I tried "Select count(answer) as total from answers where studentID='A123456789'";
> from the CLI and got total = 2 as a result.
So, we got rid of the Invalid Resource error and we know that the
student id you use occurs in both rows in your table and that your query
works fine.
Did you get rid of the semicolon @ line 15 "while($row =
mysql_fetch_assoc($result));", as Jason suggested? Also, an:
at the top of your code might help in backtracing.
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