Dear all , I am stick since 2 days at the same point, I am using 10g, PHP my problem now is how to fecth the X, Y , z coordinates from the geometry column to view it on my web page, i don't understand the (SDO_ORDINATES), what is its type & how i can deal with it. my simple code is: $conn=oci_connect('User','pass','//localhost/x') $sqlCol="SELECT c.GEOMETRY.SDO_ORDINATES from SSS c WHERE c.CODE = '80A' "; $resultCol=oci_parse($conn,$sqlCol); $excuteResCol=oci_execute($resultCol); $resultRecordsCol=oci_fetch_array($resultCol); I got an error on the last line as (ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected CHAR got ARRAY ) i don't know how to deal with this resultset. If anyone could help please replay. Thanks for your help