so far i know, if u want to use web service with php and mysql, i suggest u use soap, because native php support this kind of webservice (php-soap), u can use function based service for this kind of webservice and also because of soap is XML-RPC with a lot of feature.( . but if u use some framework wich support permalink, u can use REST like in Ruby On Rails. for SOAP, u can use some webservice helper like nuSOAP(deprecated with php5) or php2wsdl or php wshelper => ( i use this to create wsdl based on class from database table). $P$ $T$ wrote: > Hi, > Sorry this may not be related to php-db list. I do not have much > knowledge about webservices but would like to know, which is better > way of implementing webservices with PHP-MySQL > > XML-RPC, SOAP, or REST > And why? What are the parameters that we should be looking for before > deciding on mechanism? > > Thanks, > Pravin > > -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: