Re: Credit Card Encryption

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I got messaged off list which I don't appreciate.

But, yes PHP5 only or you could replace the lines for PHP4 and on:

$keys[] = mhash( MHASH_SHA1, sha1( $array[$x] ) );


if( !function_exists( mhash ) ) {
 $keys[] = sha1( sha1( $array[$x] ) );
} elseif( !function_exists( sha1 ) ) {
 $keys[] = md5( md5( $array[$x] ) );
} else {
 $keys[] = mhash( MHASH_SHA1, sha1( $array[$x] ) );

That will look to see if the 'mhash()', 'sha1()' functions exist and use
them accordingly. HTH.

Jason Gerfen wrote:
> Jason Gerfen wrote:
>> Daniel Brown wrote:
>>> On Dec 19, 2007 2:41 AM, Keith Spiller <larentium@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Ok I've done some research and some thinking.  What about storing orders in
>>>> the database (product info and customer info) and then using GnuPG or PGP to
>>>> send the credit card info to the merchant?  This way the credit card
>>>> information is not stored on the server or in the database but only in
>>>> printed format by the merchant.  Since my client processes all of the credit
>>>> card orders by hand this seems like an ideal solution.
>>>     I had a client that did offline (manual) processing of credit card
>>> orders as well.  With liability issues and the problems that others
>>> have already pointed out, storing the credit card information was not
>>> an option, yet my client still needed some way of having the data
>>> available offline.
>>>     Consider the following:
>>>     ISSUER                                LENGTH
>>>     Diner's Club/Carte Blanche   14
>>>     American Express                  15
>>>     VISA                                      13 or 16
>>>     MasterCard                            16
>>>     Discover                                 16
>>>     Security checks aside (like making sure they selected the type of
>>> card and that it matched the algorithm - VISA beginning with 4 and
>>> being strlen($_POST['cardnum']) == 13 or 16, MasterCard being 16,
>>> beginning with 51xx to 55xx, et cetera), I then had a hybrid of
>>> storage and delivery.
>>>     Mail the first <? rand(4,6); ?> digits to the sales email
>>> address(es) on file.  Three addresses on two domains were used for
>>> redundancy in this case.  Store the remaining digits in the database.
>>> You could write your own encryption algorithm or use one that is
>>> publicly-available and reversible (Blowfish is what I was using, at
>>> 128, key length of 56 lower ASCII characters, padded with 7 on the key
>>> and four on the output - MD5, SHA1, et al are NOT options here).
>>>     The sales department then received the first digits of the credit
>>> card number via email, which stated it was an order key.  Again, in my
>> Using the order number as the key is bad practice. Here is a random key
>> generator that you could use for your public/private keys and still use
>> the blowfish cipher as your method of encrypting:
>> <?PHP
>> function ReadFolder( $folder )
>> {
>>  if( ( empty( $folder ) ) || ( !is_dir( $folder ) ) ) {
>>   $rand_image = GenerateError( "Couldn't open directory" );
>>  } else {
>>   $rand_image = array();
>>   if( $handle = opendir( $folder ) ) {
>>    while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) {
>>     if( $file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "index.html" &&
>> !is_dir( $file ) ) {
>>      $rand_image[] = $file;
>>     }
>>    }
>>    closedir( $handle );
>>   }
>>  }
>>  return $rand_image;
>> }
>> function MakeSuperRandom()
>> {
>>  return srand( ( double ) microtime( time() ) * 100000 );
>> }
>> function PickRandomImages( $array )
>> {
>>  $num1 = count( $array );
>>  $num1 = $num1 - 1;
>>  MakeSuperRandom();
>>  $img_num = rand( 3, $num1 );
>>  $image[] = $array[$img_num];
>>  $num2 = count( $array );
>>  $num2 = $num2 - 1;
>>  MakeSuperRandom();
>>  $img_num = rand( 3, $num2 );
>>  $image[] = $array[$img_num];
>>  $num3 = count( $array );
>>  $num3 = $num3 - 1;
>>  MakeSuperRandom();
>>  $img_num = rand( 3, $num3 );
>>  $image[] = $array[$img_num];
>>  return $image;
>> }
>> function ChkArray( $array )
>> {
>>  if( ( empty( $array ) ) || ( count( $array ) > 3 ) ) {
>>   $data = 1;
>>  } else {
>>   $data = 0;
>>  }
>>  return $data;
>> }
>> function GeneratePrivKey( $array )
>> {
>>  if( empty( $array ) ) {
>>   $data = GenerateError( "Missing data for GeneratePrivKey function." );
>>  } else {
>>   for( $x = 0; $x < count( $array ); $x++ ) {
>>    $keys[] = mhash( MHASH_SHA1, sha1( $array[$x] ) );
>>   }
>>   for( $y = 0; $y < count( $keys ); $y++ ) {
>>    if( count( $keys ) == $keys[$y] ) {
>>     $data .= $keys[$y];
>>    } else {
>>     $data .= $keys[$y] . ":";
>>    }
>>   }
>>  }
>>  return $data;
>> }
>> function GeneratePubKey( $data )
>> {
>>  return md5( $data );
>> }
>> function EncData( $data, $key )
>> {
>>  $td = mcrypt_module_open( 'rijndael-256', '', 'ofb', '' );
>>  $iv = mcrypt_create_iv( mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size( $td ), MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM );
>>  $ks = mcrypt_enc_get_key_size( $td );
>>  @mcrypt_generic_init( $td, $key, $iv );
>>  $encrypted = mcrypt_generic( $td, $data );
>>  echo "<br><b>Ciphered Text using Random Image Hash as Key:</b><pre> " .
>> $encrypted . "</pre><br>";
>>  @mcrypt_generic_deinit( $td );
>>  @mcrypt_generic_init( $td, $key, $iv );
>>  $decrypted = mdecrypt_generic( $td, $encrypted );
>>  echo "<br><b>De-Ciphered Text using Random Image Hash as Key:</b><pre>"
>> . $decrypted . "</pre>";
>>  @mcrypt_generic_deinit( $td );
>>  @mcrypt_module_close( $td );
>> }
>> // to use functions
>> $x = ReadFolder( "images/" );
>> $y = PickRandomImages( $x );
>> $b = GeneratePrivKey( $y );
>> echo "<b>Private Key data:</b><pre>" . $b . "</pre>";
>> $data = "<br>" . GeneratePubKey( $b );
>> echo "<b>Public Key data:</b><pre>"; print_r( $data ); echo "</pre>";
>> echo EncData( $credit_card_data, $b );
>> ?>
>> With that code you will have to re-write the 'EncData()' function to
>> perform ONLY encryption as of right now it encrypts and decrypts for
>> demonstration purposes only.
>> And on another note why not use a different delivery method altogether
>> such as using java-script to encrypt the data prior to transmission,
>> store the private key inside the local network, use the public key and
>> associate it with the purchase within the database and develop a method
>> of authentication for the users to retrieve the data and then, and only
>> then use the private key to decrypt the data.
> My apologies, I just noticed you did mention a database for storage. SSL
> would probably work better then java-script. Hell if you really wanted
> to secure the data prior to transmission using flash might help obscure
> the data and give you a good method of assigning a unique private/public
> key as well as passing it through your cipher prior to transmission.
> The kerberos authentication protocol does a similar method prior to
> sending the data which is always the most secure against eves droppers
> and man in the middle attacks.
>> Just a thought.
>>> case, I wrote an algorithm that would encrypt these digits prior to
>>> sending, using the actual order number as a key.  The accounting
>>> software I wrote (all in PHP) would then retrieve the latter half of
>>> the credit card number from the database, decrypt the first part of
>>> the credit card number from the email (entered by the sales team on an
>>> SSL-encrypted page), and the credit card number would be displayed in
>>> full on the screen, to print, process, or verify.
>>>     The downside is that, if there are any problems with email and
>>> delivery, the first $n digits of the card might not be received by the
>>> sales department.  While, to date, I'm not aware of this having been a
>>> problem for my client (knock on wood), it's still a possibility.  For
>>> this reason, you need to be sure to either have the email address
>>> confirmed prior to processing the order, or require a valid telephone
>>> number, so that you can reach the customer in the event of a failure.
>>> To assure the customer that you are calling legitimately, you will
>>> still have the last digits of the credit card, as well as the
>>> expiration data and CVV number (also stored in the database), the
>>> billing address, and the date and time the order was placed.
>>>     It may not work for you, but that's how I created the system for
>>> my client in 2004, and it's still being used today, with almost $8
>>> Million in online sales.  [pats self on back]  ;-P
>>>     Now if I could just go back and renegotiate my contract for that gig....

- --
Jason Gerfen

"I practice my religion
 while stepping on your
~The Ditty Bops
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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