Thanks Thodoris. But this is not things I desired.I've already read php manual and known about PDO::getAttribute() before I post my question. When I get to server version,I can use $dbh->getAttribute(PDO:: ATTR_SERVER_VERSION),but there are no attribute about mysql server protocol. I'm planing to make phpMyAdmin-clone with PDO.but I don't know PDO can work instead of mysql/mysqli extension.and I couldn't find equivalent function in PDO with mysql_get_proto_info(mysqli_get_proto_info). // with mysql extension $link = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); echo mysql_get_proto_info(); // returns 10 in my case. but I cannot find the proper value like PDO::ATTR_SERVER_PROTOCOL in PDO's getAttribute. and PDO doesn't seems to use MySQL API's mysql_get_proto_info. I check like this: /path/to/php-5.2.4/ext$ grep -r 'mysql_get_proto_info' mysql mysql/php_mysql.c: PHP_FE(mysql_get_proto_info, NULL) mysql/php_mysql.c:/* {{{ proto int mysql_get_proto_info([int link_identifier]) mysql/php_mysql.c:PHP_FUNCTION(mysql_get_proto_info) mysql/php_mysql.c: RETURN_LONG(mysql_get_proto_info(&mysql->conn)); mysql/php_mysql.h:PHP_FUNCTION(mysql_get_proto_info); Binary file mysql/.libs/php_mysql.o matches /path/to/php-5.2.4/ext$ grep -r 'mysql_get_proto_info' pdo* /path/to/php-5.2.4/ext$ I forgot to tell you my environment. MySQL version: 5.0.27-standard-log PHP: 5.2.4 (upgrade in near future) Apache: 2.2.6 >You can retrieve some info for the mysql connection (server,driver etc) >using PDO::getAttribute() > >For e.g. you can do something like that: > ><?php > $dbhost = 'localhost'; > $dbuser = 'user_name'; > $dbpass = 'password'; > $db = 'database'; > > $dbh= new PDO('mysql:host='.$dbhost.';dbname='.$db, $dbuser, $dbpass); > > echo $dbh->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME); > echo "<br>"; > echo $dbh->getAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); > echo "<br>"; > echo $dbh->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); > echo "<br>"; > echo $dbh->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS); >?> -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: