It's much better to use add_date instead of to_days since mysql isn't
smart enough to do it for you.
Such as:
SELECT yourEventFields FROM theTable
WHERE theEventDate BETWEEN now() AND date_add(now(), INTERVAL 21 DAYS;
This way mysql will calc the now() and date_add and will essentially
convert them to static values. If there's an index on theEventDate it
will be used.
Instruct ICC wrote:
From: rDubya <ryan.dubya@xxxxxxxxx>
My problem is that I have events dated for Sep 2007 and on, and yet
they all come up as being on Dec 7 to 9, 2006.. any ideas?
How about having MySQL only return the events you are interested in?
SELECT yourEventFields FROM theTable
TO_DAYS( theEventDate ) >= TO_DAYS( NOW() )
TO_DAYS( theEventDate ) <= TO_DAYS( NOW() ) + 21
I like theEventDate to be in the format YYYY-MM-DD
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