I need query tables that are in two different databases so I use
mysql_query() with link_identifier, as I've read in the manual, in order
to select in wich DB must be made the query.
The problem I have is that the link identifier has no effect.
This example doesn't work
mysql_select_db("DB1", $conn_1);
mysql_select_db("DB2", $conn_2); // <------ (1)
$result_t1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Table1inDB1`",$conn_1);
$row_t1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_t1); // <------ (2)
$result_t2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Table2inDB2`",$conn_2);
$row_t2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_t2);
It is as if (1) activates DB2 for all the script an in (2) the query is
not made in DB1 but in DB2, even using $conn_1.
I have looking in php.ini but I haven't found anything useful.
My environment is php 4.4.2, mysql 4.0.18, IIS, W2000.
Thanks in advance.
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