Hello everyone, im trying to use PHP to create 2 tables in a database and populate them with tables, however, it just wont work. Here is my full code: <?php $hostname = $_GET['hostname']; $dbname = $_GET['dbname']; $dbusername = $_GET['dbusername']; $dbpassword = $_GET['dbpassword']; $dbprefix = $_GET['dbprefix']; echo "<center><br><b>Install- Processing Database Info . . . . .</b> <p> <p>"; $cxn = mysqli_connect($hostname,$dbusername,$dbpassword,$dbname) or die ("Basic Library System could not connect to the database you specified. Please go back and make sure the information you submitted is correct."); $file = '../config.php'; $fh = fopen($file, 'w') or die('Failed to open config.php file'); fwrite($fh, '<?php $hostname="'.$hostname.'"; $dbname="'.$dbname.'"; $dbusername="'.$dbusername.'"; $dbpassword="'.$dbpassword.'"; $dbprefix="'.$dbprefix.'"; ?>') or die('Could not write to config.php'); fclose($fh); mysqli_select_db($cxn,$dbname) or die ("Could not connect to the database you specified. Please go back and make sure you entered the correct database."); mysqli_select_db($cxn,$dbname); $sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$dbprefix."_circulation ( title varchar(100), author varchar(100), pubdate varchar(100), genre varchar(100), medium varchar(100), price varchar(100), id int(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id) )"; mysqli_select_db($cxn,$dbname); $sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$dbprefix."_holder ( space varchar(100) )"; $query = mysqli_query($cxn,$sql); if(!$query){ echo "Basic Library System was unable to submit the information to the database. Please make sure you specified correct information."; }else{ echo "Successfully created table. Do something here"; } mysqli_close($cxn); ?> ---------------------------------------------- Visit galacticwebdesigns.com for tutorials and more!