Mike van Hoof wrote:
Hello list,
I got a problem with displaying content in a "read more block" which
contains HTML code.
The problem is as followes:
I got a large piece of content, which contains HTML code (<b><u><i>
etc), but after 200 characters a read more link appears. At the moment I
strip al the HTML out of this piece of content, and display the full set
off content on another page.
But now i also want to display the bold text etc. in the first (200
chrs) content block. The only problem i have here, is that when I got a
bold tag opend in the first 200 chrs, and it's closed after 400 chrs,
then the rest off the page is also bold.
You could try using http://php.net/substr_count and do something like:
$tags = array('<b>', '<i>', '<u>');
foreach ($tags as $p => $tag) {
$count = substr_count($string, $tag);
if ($count % 2 != 0) {
echo "Found a mismatch for tag " . htmlentities($tag) . "<br/>";
Not a great solution because you're hardcoding the tags you're looking
for but there aren't that many that change text appearances like these
do (but then again this method won't work for <span or <div tags because
you can place styles inside those tags)....
Unless you want to get into regex'es....
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