Alexander wrote:
They should have data. here's the form code:
function write_form() {
echo "<form method='post' action='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}'>";
echo "<p>Enter url of large picture: <input type='text'
name='picture' />";
echo "<p>Enter url of thumbnail: <input type='text'
name='thumbnail' />";
echo "<p><input type='submit' value='Add to Database' />";
echo "</form>";
I've done everything excatly how my PHP book says to /* i now officially
hate all code examples in books, they never work */
The book is probably expecting you to have register_globals enabled. DO
NOT ENABLE IT! Instead, read the following and adapt what the book is
giving you to work without it. Reasons for not enabling register_globals
are also given on this page...
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