Got error 28 from table handler Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home2/wwwabcde/public_html/multipurposechain/searchfuncs.php on line 294 Got error 28 from table handlerDisplaying results 1-10 of 4541 matches (12.77 seconds) Result page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <? /******************************************* ********************************************/ error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); $include_dir = "include"; include "$include_dir/commonfuncs.php"; function cmp($a, $b) { if ($a['weight'] == $b['weight']) return 0; return ($a['weight'] > $b['weight']) ? -1 : 1; } function addmarks($a) { $a = eregi_replace("[ ]+", " ", $a); $a = str_replace(" +", "+", $a); $a = str_replace(" ", "+", $a); return $a; } function makeboollist($a) { global $entities; while ($char = each($entities)) { $a = eregi_replace($char[0], $char[1], $a); } $a = trim($a); $a = eregi_replace(""", "\"", $a); $returnWords = array(); //get all phrases $regs = Array(); while (eregi("([-]?)\"([^\"]+)\"", $a, $regs)) { if ($regs[1] == '') { $returnWords['+s'][] = $regs[2]; $returnWords['hilight'][] = $regs[2]; } else { $returnWords['-s'][] = $regs[2]; } $a = str_replace($regs[0], "", $a); } $a = strtolower(eregi_replace("[ ]+", " ", $a)); // $a = remove_accents($a); $a = trim($a); $words = explode(' ', $a); if ($a=="") { $limit = 0; } else { $limit = count($words); } $k = 0; //get all words (both include and exlude) $includeWords = array(); while ($k < $limit) { if (substr($words[$k], 0, 1) == '+') { $includeWords[] = substr($words[$k], 1); } else if (substr($words[$k], 0, 1) == '-') { $returnWords['-'][] = substr($words[$k], 1); } else { $includeWords[] = $words[$k]; $returnWords['hilight'][] = $words[$k]; } $k++; } //add words from phrases to includes if (isset($returnWords['+s'])) { foreach ($returnWords['+s'] as $phrase) { $phrase = strtolower(eregi_replace("[ ]+", " ", $phrase)); $phrase = trim($phrase); $temparr = explode(' ', $phrase); foreach ($temparr as $w) $includeWords[] = $w; } } foreach ($includeWords as $word) { if (!($word =='')) { if (ignoreWord($word)) { $returnWords['ignore'][] = $word; } else { $returnWords['+'][] = $word; } } } return $returnWords; } function ignoreword($word) { global $common; global $min_word_length; global $index_numbers; if ($index_numbers == 1) { $pattern = "[a-z0-9]+"; } else { $pattern = "[a-z]+"; } if (strlen($word) < $min_word_length || (!eregi($pattern, remove_accents($word))) || ($common[$word] == 1)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function search($searchstr, $category, $start, $per_page, $type) { global $length_of_link_desc,$mysql_table_prefix, $show_meta_description; //find all sites that should not be included in the result if (count($searchstr['+']) == 0) { return null; } $wordarray = $searchstr['-']; $notlist = array(); $not_words = 0; while ($not_words < count($wordarray)) { $searchword = addslashes($wordarray[$not_words]); $query1 = "SELECT link_id from ".$mysql_table_prefix."link_keyword, ".$mysql_table_prefix."keywords where ".$mysql_table_prefix."link_keyword.keyword_id= ".$mysql_table_prefix."keywords.keyword_id and keyword='$searchword'"; echo mysql_error(); $result = mysql_query($query1); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $notlist[$not_words]['id'][$row[0]] = 1; } $not_words++; } //find all sites containing the search phrase $wordarray = $searchstr['+s']; $phrase_words = 0; while ($phrase_words < count($wordarray)) { $searchword = addslashes($wordarray[$phrase_words]); $query1 = "SELECT link_id from ".$mysql_table_prefix."links where fulltxt like '% $searchword%'"; echo mysql_error(); $result = mysql_query($query1); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows == 0) { return null; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $phraselist[$phrase_words]['id'][$row[0]] = 1; } $phrase_words++; } if ($category> 0) { $allcats = get_cats($category); $catlist = implode(",", $allcats); $query1 = "select link_id from ".$mysql_table_prefix."links, ".$mysql_table_prefix."sites, ".$mysql_table_prefix."categories, ".$mysql_table_prefix."site_category where ".$mysql_table_prefix."links.site_id = ".$mysql_table_prefix."sites.site_id and ".$mysql_table_prefix."sites.site_id = ".$mysql_table_prefix."site_category.site_id and ".$mysql_table_prefix."site_category.category_id in ($catlist)"; $result = mysql_query($query1); echo mysql_error(); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows == 0) { return null; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $category_list[$row[0]] = 1; } } //find all sites that include the search word $wordarray = $searchstr['+']; $words = 0; $starttime = getmicrotime(); while ($words < count($wordarray)) { $searchword = addslashes($wordarray[$words]); $query1 = "SELECT distinct link_id, weight from ".$mysql_table_prefix."link_keyword, ".$mysql_table_prefix."keywords where ".$mysql_table_prefix."link_keyword.keyword_id= ".$mysql_table_prefix."keywords.keyword_id and keyword='$searchword' order by weight desc"; $result = mysql_query($query1); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows == 0) { return null; } if ($type == "or") { $indx = 0; } else { $indx = $words; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $linklist[$indx]['id'][] = $row[0]; $linklist[$indx]['weight'][$row[0]] = $row[1]; } $words++; } if ($type == "or") { $words = 1; } $result_array = Array(); if ($words == 1 && $not_words == 0 && $category < 1) { //if there is only one search word, we already have the result $result_array = $linklist[0]['weight']; } else { //otherwise build an intersection of all the results $j= 1; $min = 0; while ($j < $words) { if (count($linklist[$min]['id']) > count($linklist[$j]['id'])) { $min = $j; } $j++; } $j = 0; $temp_array = $linklist[$min]['id']; $count = 0; while ($j < count($temp_array)) { $k = 0; //and word counter $n = 0; //not word counter $o = 0; //phrase word counter $weight = 1; $break = 0; while ($k < $words && $break== 0) { if ($linklist[$k]['weight'][$temp_array[$j]] > 0) { $weight = $weight + $linklist[$k]['weight'][$temp_array[$j]]; } else { $break = 1; } $k++; } while ($n < $not_words && $break== 0) { if ($notlist[$n]['id'][$temp_array[$j]] > 0) { $break = 1; } $n++; } while ($o < $phrase_words && $break== 0) { if ($phraselist[$n]['id'][$temp_array[$j]] != 1) { $break = 1; } $o++; } if ($break== 0 && $category > 0 && $category_list[$temp_array[$j]] != 1) { $break = 1; } if ($break == 0) { $result_array[$temp_array[$j]] = $weight; $count ++; } $j++; } }//word == 1 $end = getmicrotime()- $starttime; $results = count($result_array); if ($results == 0) { return null; } arsort ($result_array); $keys = array_keys($result_array); $maxweight = $result_array[$keys[0]]; for ($i = ($start -1)*$per_page; $i <min($results, ($start -1)*$per_page + $per_page) ; $i++) { $in[] = $keys[$i]; } if (!is_array($in)) { $res['results'] = $results; return $res; } $inlist = implode(",", $in); if ($length_of_link_desc == 0) { $fulltxt = "fulltxt"; } else { $fulltxt = "substring(fulltxt, 1, $length_of_link_desc)"; } $query1 = "SELECT distinct link_id, url, title, description, $fulltxt, size FROM ".$mysql_table_prefix."links WHERE link_id in ($inlist)"; $result = mysql_query($query1); echo mysql_error(); $i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $res[$i]['title'] = $row[2]; $res[$i]['url'] = $row[1]; if ($row[3] != null && $show_meta_description == 1) $res[$i]['fulltxt'] = $row[3]; else $res[$i]['fulltxt'] = $row[4]; $res[$i]['size'] = $row[5]; $res[$i]['weight'] = $result_array[$row[0]]; $i++; } if(count($res)!=0) usort($res, "cmp"); echo mysql_error(); $res['maxweight'] = $maxweight; $res['results'] = $results; return $res; /**/ } ?> --------------------------------- Sponsored Link Degrees online in as fast as 1 Yr - MBA, Bachelor's, Master's, Associate - Click now to apply