I am trying to do an update. but for some reason the date is being lost in the process. Among other things, my form has three html <selects> one for month (eMonth), one for day (eDay) and one for year (eYear). This is the code that does the processing: <code> if (isset($_POST['eMonth']) && $_POST['eMonth'] != '') $eMonth = $_POST['eMonth']; else $eMonth = '01'; if (isset($_POST['eDay']) && $_POST['eDay'] != '') $eMonth = $_POST['eDay']; else $eMonth = '01'; if (isset($_POST['eYear']) && $_POST['eYear'] != '') $eYear = $_POST['eYear']; else $eYear = '2007'; <.processing the rest of the form fields.> $updateEventQuery = "UPDATE events SET EventDate = '$eYear-$eMonth-$eDay', AppliedFYE = '$appliedFYE', LocationID = '$eLocation', StartTime = '$eHour:$eMin $eAMPM', Type = '$eType', Format = '$eFormat', Description = '$eDescription', EventApproved = '$eApproved', EventOfficial = '$eOfficial', LastUpdateBy = '".$_SESSION['ContactID']."' WHERE EventID = '".$_GET['eventid']."'"; Echo $updateEvetQuery; // $updateEventResult = mysql_query($updateEventQuery); </code> When I run this, the query string it prints out is: UPDATE events SET EventDate = '2006-10-10', AppliedFYE = '2007', LocationID = '14', StartTime = '5:00 PM', Type = '3', Format = 'BOARD', Description = 'Regular board meeting', EventApproved = '1', EventOfficial = '0', LastUpdateBy = '209' WHERE EventID = '54' When this query is actually run on the DB though, it queries with no errors, and all the data is saved/updated properly *except* the date - it becomes 0000-00-00. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance, -J