Help! With MySQL CASE problem

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Hello, all.  I'm having a problem with a php/mysql app which is
probably in the SQL, so please don't get angry at me.  Basically, I
have a CASE statement that works on my localhost, but doesn't seem to
get recognised on the production server (i'm running php/mysql 5.x on
my localhost, 4.x of both on the production server).  Query looks like

SELECT DISTINCT e.exhibition_id, e.title, e.begin_date,
CASE 'heading'
WHEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) >= e.begin_date
THEN 'Coming Up'
ELSE 'Now Showing'
END 'heading', e.end_date, special
FROM exhibition e
WHERE e.end_date >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
ORDER BY heading DESC , e.begin_date ASC

On my localhost, the results look like this:

exhibition_id  - title   -  begin_date   - heading  - end_date  - special

84  	20/21 Vision  	1159599600  	Now Showing  	1161154800  	1
85 	David S 	1161327600 	Coming Up 	1162972800 	0
86 	Yang H 	       1161327600 	Coming Up 	1162972800 	0

but on the production server looks like this:

85 	David S 	1161327600 	Coming Up 	1162972800 	0
84 	20/21 Vision 	1159599600 	Now Showing 	1161154800 	1
86 	Yang H 	       1161327600 	Coming Up 	1162972800 	0

I need it to sort like the localhost, and can't figure out what's
happening.  I can't seem to ORDER BY at all on the production server.
Any ideas?  I'm going nuts.



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