Brad Bonkoski wrote:
j.kuehne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
how I could assign a textarea with a variable value?
Although I tried to achieve an allocation like a normal <input, but
it does not work so I have no success with textarea.
The code looks like following fragment.
$problem_val = mysqlclean($_SESSION, "problem_eb", 500, $connection);
<textarea style="width: 320px; height: 150px;" heigth="30" width="50"
cols="1" rows="1" name="problem_eb" value="<?php echo
Best regards, Joerg Kuehne
There is no value attribute of put text in there, you
place it between the <textarea></textarea> tags.
<textarea style="width: 320px; height: 150px;" heigth="30" width="50"
cols="1" rows="1" name="problem_eb" ><?php echo $problem_val;
Also worth mentioning that you may run into problems if you don't use
htmlentities on $problem_val, like so...
<textarea style="width: 320px; height: 150px;" heigth="30" width="50"
cols="1" rows="1" name="problem_eb" ><?php echo
htmlentities($problem_val); ?></textarea>
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