RE: SQL query

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Make sure that your second query is returning only one row, if it dont
help, try this:
$query="select email from usuarios where userName in (select username
from fussv where folio = 'FUSS-130-2006')"

MySQL think that you second query returns more than 1 row, that's why
mysql dont accept your query, is like trying to compare vs more than one
scalar value


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> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Miguel Guirao [mailto:miguel.guirao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Enviado el: Jueves, 28 de Septiembre de 2006 09:09 a.m.
> Para: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Asunto:  SQL query
> Hello list,
> Whats wrong with my SQL query:
> $query="select email from usuarios where userName = (select 
> username from fussv where folio = 'FUSS-130-2006')";
> I get an error!
> I have tested the two individual sentences and they worked OK!
> ---------------------------
> Miguel Guirao Aguilera
> Logistica R8 TELCEL
> Tel. (999) 960.7994
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