Thanks for your help, Chris. You certainly got me going in the right
direction. In case anyone is interested, below is the completed
solution, with design elements, turned into a function so I can
easily call it several times.
function counter_maker ($database,$name,$link)
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"$link\" target=
$query = "select status, count(id) AS count from $database where
status in ('', 'h', 'p') group by status";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$status_code = $row['status'];
if ($status_code == "")
{ $status_code = "n"; }
$count_array[$status_code] = $row['count'];
echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"";
if (isset($count_array['n']))
{ echo " style=\"background-color: #F3CF45; color: #00599E; font-
weight: bold;\">";
echo $count_array['n']; }
{ echo "> 0"; }
echo "</td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"";
if (isset($count_array['h']))
{ echo " style=\"background-color: #00599E; color: #F3CF45; font-
weight: bold;\">";
echo $count_array['h']; }
{ echo "> 0"; }
echo "</td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">";
if (isset($count_array['p']))
{ echo $count_array['p']; }
{ echo "0"; }
echo "</td></tr>";
counter_maker ("data1","Form Name","link.php");
Kevin Murphy
Webmaster: Information and Marketing Services
Western Nevada Community College
On Jun 28, 2006, at 5:39 PM, Chris wrote:
Kevin Murphy wrote:
Actually the design is in the code below.... I need to display the
counts from all of those queries in a grid. Basically, its just a
summary of a bunch of information. Another way to look at it would
be a several lines that say something like this:
You have $data1_count NEW records in data1,
You have $data1p_count PROCESSED records in data1,
Instead of
$data1_query = "select id from data1 WHERE status = ''";
$data1_results = mysql_query($data1_query);
$data1_count = mysql_num_rows($data1_results);
$data1p_query = "select id from data1 WHERE status = 'p'";
$data1p_results = mysql_query($data1p_query);
$data1p_count = mysql_num_rows($data1p_results);
$data1h_query = "select id from data1 WHERE status = 'h'";
$data1h_results = mysql_query($data1h_query);
$data1h_count = mysql_num_rows($data1h_results);
You could do it all in one query:
$query = "select status, count(id) AS count from data1 where status
in ('', 'p', 'h') group by status";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo "status: " . $row['status'] . "<br/>";
echo "count: " . $row['count'] . "<br/>";
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