Are you just displaying the value with the decimal
places? If so, check out the function
Miguel Guirao wrote:
You could actually do (int) $var or use the sprintf(%d, $var);
-----Original Message-----
From: John Meyer [mailto:john.l.meyer@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Miércoles, 28 de Junio de 2006 06:04 p.m.
To: mbomgardner@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: Php-Db
Subject: Re: Converting to Decimal
Mark Bomgardner wrote:
I am query a database and pulling some decimal values out of the table,
but when I display whole numbers in php, it drops the decimal places.
It takes a value of 12.00 in the database and makes it 12, where I need
12.00. I am having trouble finding ways to "cast" this value.
First, off, when you directly query the database, does it come back as
a floating number. And secondly, have you checked this out:
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