dpgirago@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I have an application which calls up some data from a MySQL table and
puts it into a web form for users to modify.
One of the cells holds a text string which is put into a text input
field. However, if that text string includes an apostrophe, all text
after the apostrophe disappears.
For example, if the test string from a database cell reads...
Fix the managers' cars by Tuesday
and that is saved in the variable $some_text, which is called up in a
<input type='text' name='some_variable' value='$some_text'>
The text field on the web page will only contain...
Fix the managers
How can I get the text field to show the entire string?
Many thanks,
htmlentities($some_text, ENT_QUOTES) is more robust than htmlspecialchars
Thanks, David. That did the trick. And thanks to everyone else who
quickly responded with intelligent advice!
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