Hello, I have made this little example for explain my problem : <? $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=Released', 'Web', 'Master99'); $data = '/enabled=boolean:true;/description=string:"-bévènements"'; $pdo->query("Update Test set data ='" . $data . "';"); ?> If i execute this scripts from php cli the result will be : /enabled=boolean:true;/description=string:"évènements" If i execute this scripts from apache server the result will be : /enabled=boolean?;/description=string:"évènements" It?s seem that is the é and è character that make this strange change because if i remove this character the result will be : /enabled=boolean:true;/description=string:"vnements" I don?t found were the charset is converted or where is the problems ?. For information php cli and apache module are build with the same options. I need help please. I hope i ask my question in the good mailing list. See You Soon. Nicolas.