Mark Bomgardner wrote:
I have been racking my brain for the better part of a day with a simple
mail function. I am trying to generate a list of events from MySQL and
then use the php Mail function to email the list in an html email to a
mailing list. I keep getting a parse error on a section that I can not
figure out why.
ok, this is a general PHP question not realy a php-db type but 'sall good ;)
a) the parse error is likely form a rogue quote (in the html perhaps)
making a syntax error, hard to say with out the actual error
b) are you sure mail() can tell that that is html and create the
appropriate multi part MIME message? Highly doubtful since all mail()
does is pipe the data to sendmail, I'd recommend using a valid MIME/SMTP
tool like Perl's Mail::Sender::Easy module
You can easily use Perl's DBI to do your MySQL query so there really is
no need to try to hack up PHP's lame mail() function to do something it
simply can't.
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