Re: Duplicate rows

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On Wednesday 01 March 2006 7:24 am, Miguel Guirao wrote:
> My dear beloved friends,
> I have a catalog of products that a product provider gave, sadly for me, in
> this CSV file there are many duplicated rows.
> I edited the file in my Linux system with the "uniq -u" command, and it
> worked somewhat fine, it eliminated some duplicated rows, originally the
> file had 24K rows, and now it has been reduced to 15k rows.
> Anyhow, there are still duplicated rows, and since this is a catalog, it
> should not have duplicated rows!!!
> Now the catalog has been has been loaded into the DB.
> How can I continue eliminating duplicated rows?
> As far as I remember the is a sentence in SQL to only show ONE row of
> duplicated rows, maybe if I do a select using this sentence and then put
> this new recordset in another table, it will work!!
> Any ideas?
> -----------------------
> Miguel Guirao Aguilera
> Logistica R8 TELCEL
> Tel. (999) 960.7994
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