Hi there everyone, This line of code USED TO WORK but now it gives me a Coudln't Execute Query error: $query2 = "SELECT word,def,photo MATCH(word,def) AGAINST ('$txtsearchword' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS m FROM dictionary WHERE MATCH(word,def) AGAINST ('$txtsearchword' IN BOOLEAN MODE) LIMIT $offset, $item_perpage"; I tried it with a basic $query2 = "SELECT * FROM dictionary"; to make sure it wasn't something else that was broke and this is the problem above, it used to work great and now it's on a live site after working great for 6 months and it suddenly doesn't work and I haven't touched anything !!! the server hasn't been updated so it's not that as it also does the same on my local dev machine here, the only thing that happened was my co-worker did a global find and replace with dreamweaver but that's all and I can't personally see anything wrong with the above though I could be looking too hard. Any help would REALLY be appreciated as this is on a very popular website and needs fixing ASAP so I don't lose my head !!! Chris