I thank those who promptly responded to my first inquiry on the list.
This second request is, I assume, a tad more challanging.
I need a "Generate Report" function that'll allow the user to select one or
more "groups" and what columns he would like to view.
For instance,
<fieldset><legend>Generate Report</legend>
<form action="generate_report.php" method="post">
<TABLE BORDER="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">
<TD rowspan="2" valign="bottom"><strong>Select Group(s)</strong></TD>
<TD colspan="2"><strong>Select Columns</strong></TD>
<TD><strong>Category One</strong></TD>
<TD><strong>Category Two</strong></TD>
<TD align="left" valign="top">
<input name="sel_group[]" type="checkbox" value="1">Group A<BR>
<input name="sel_group[]" type="checkbox" value="2">Group B<BR>
<input name="sel_group[]" type="checkbox" value="3">Group C<BR>
<input name="sel_group[]" type="checkbox" value="4">Group D<BR>
<TD align="left">
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column A">Column
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column B">Column
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column C">Column
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column D">Column
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column E">Column
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column F">Column
<TD align="left">
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column G">Column
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column H">Column
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column I">Column
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column J">Column
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column K">Column
<input name="sel_cols[]" type="checkbox" value="Column L">Column
<input name="submit" type="button" value="Generate">
Let's say the user wants to view Group A and Group B AND view content from
the Coulmn A, Column B, Column D, and Column K.
So a checkmark would be placed within each box and the "Generate Report"
button would be "hit" to generate a report with titles situated
I'm assuming I'll need to create an array for both "sel_group" and
"sel_cols" and then, I believe it's "implode" them into string values??? Am
I thinking correctly???
I know this query won't work...but this is the direction I'm headed...
$query = "SELECT $sel_cols FROM tasks WHERE groups_id=$sel_groups";
IOW, the columns from the sel_cols array would go there, and the group
or groups would go after the WHERE statement.
Then I guess I would have to figure out the code for the echo.
Am I at least in the ballpark???
Thank you and good night.
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